Te Miro School Swimming Pools
We are very privileged to have not just one but two fabulous swimming pools which, not only our school pupils enjoy, but the entire Te Miro Community. Our Pools were built, and are continuously funded, through the hard work of the Te Miro residents who take great pride in maintaining them to the highest standards.
Normally open from around late November to Easter the pools, set in the school grounds, are used exclusively by pupils during school hours with supervised lunchtime swimming for all. After school hours and weekends, the pools are open to everyone who has a key.
Our school principal Michaela Phillips is a trained swimming instructor who takes time off from class room teaching in January and February to give her pupils swimming lessons as part of our school’s summer curriculum.
To purchase a key pop into the school office or call Laura Edward on 021 025 42107.
2024/25 Season Key Price: $130.00 + $20 deposit for new key (refundable on return)